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Assist. Prof. PhD. Maja Lebeničnik

Strokovni oz. znanstveni naslov: doktorica znanosti
Pedagoški naziv: docentka
Matično področje : psihologija razvoja in učenja
Znanstveni naziv: znanstvena sodelavka
Elektronski naslov:
Oddelek: Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo

2025 | Karmen Drljić, Maja Lebeničnik

Original scientific paper

Adaptation of the Slovenian version of the Symbolic Ableism Scale

2024 | Maja Lebeničnik, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Dataset higher education students’ use of online learning resourcesand related beliefs

2023 | Maja Lebeničnik

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Zadovoljevanje potrebe po avtonomiji pri učencih osnovne šole

2023 | Andreja Istenič, Mateja Gačnik, Barbara Horvat, Mojca Kukanja-Gabrijelčič, Vanja Riccarda Kiswarday, Maja Lebeničnik, Maja Mezgec, Marina Volk, Edvard Protner, Darjo Zuljan

Scientific Monograph

Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo = Upbringing and education between the past and the future

2022 | Maja Lebeničnik, Andreja Istenič

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Uporaba IKT pri samoregulacijskem učenju študentov

2022 | Andreja Istenič, Maja Lebeničnik

Original scientific paper

How communion and agentic beliefs predict technology-supported formal and informal learning : the implications for educational technology

2020 | Andreja Istenič, Maja Lebeničnik

Original scientific paper

Investigation of university students' perception of their educators as role models and designers of digitalized curricula

2020 | Maja Lebeničnik, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Optimal multimedia combination for students with dyslexia

2020 | Maja Lebeničnik, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Examining the contemporary digital divide of university students with specific reference to students with special educational needs

2019 | Maja Lebeničnik, Mojca Kukanja-Gabrijelčič, Beno Arnejčič, Andreja Istenič, Mateja Gačnik, Marina Volk

Independent professional essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Social-emotional competencies among Slovenian teachers

2019 | Sonja Čotar Konrad, Maja Lebeničnik

Independent scientific essay or chapter in a monographic publication

Izgorelost in samoučinkovitost strokovnih delavk v vrtcu

2018 | Matej Zajc, Andreja Istenič, Maja Lebeničnik, Mateja Gačnik

Original scientific paper

Tablet game-supported speech therapy embedded in children's popular practices

2018 | Maja Lebeničnik, Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

The online learning resources definition and students use in higher education across disciplines

2018 | Maja Lebeničnik, Andreja Istenič

Published scientific conference contribution

Factors related to the use of online learning resources : the perception of environmental and contextual barriers of students with special educational needs and their peers

2018 | Andreja Istenič, Maja Lebeničnik

Original scientific paper

Designing learning for sustainable development : digital practices as boundary crossers and predictors of sustainable lifestyles

2017 | Andreja Istenič, Matej Zajc, Maja Lebeničnik

Original scientific paper

Students' attitudes on social network sites and their actual use for career management competences and professional identity development

2015 | Maja Lebeničnik, Andreja Istenič

Original scientific paper

Use of online learning resources in the development of learning environments at the intersection of formal and informal learning : the student as autonomous designer